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Version: Alpha-5.0

Welcome to Aberrations RPG

Tabletop role playing games (TTRPGs) are all about imagination and storytelling. Whether you and your friends are gathered around a physical table with dice and miniatures in-hand, or are connecting online through a screen, the fact remains that playing a TTRPG can be a thrilling, hilarious, and memorable experience. No two sessions, characters, or players are alike. The possibilities for mystery and mayhem are endless!

Campaign Captain (CC)

Your Campaign Captain (CC) will serve as a narrator to construct the basis of a story, mystery, or conflict within the world of the game. Throughout each session, they will play every NPC and enemy, determine difficulty ratings, enforce the rules of the game, and present various story-based situations to a group of players.


It is the responsibility of the group of players to describe how their characters respond to the situations their CC presents.

When outside of Combat there is no turn order and group members can describe their character’s choices, dialogue, and actions freely. When your character attempts to perform a difficult task, such as climbing a building or sneaking around some guards for example, your CC may have you make a Stat Test by rolling certain dice.

When in Combat, there is a turn order and a set number of actions that your character can perform.

The Campaign Captain (CC) has the power to change certain rules to fit their own playstyle or adapt to a given situation in-game. The CC will follow the guidelines laid out in the CC Handbook(link) Ultimately, the CC has the final say on what happens during the campaign.

Character Sheet

Your Character Sheet is where you keep track of everything about your character: your stats, basic info, equipment, description, background, species, conditions, and augmentations.

We provide an online Character Sheet via our Aberrations RPG Sheets application. It is completely free, all you need to do is create an account. Learn more about our Aberrations RPG Sheets application.

Alternatively, you can download and print a paper Character Sheet. This is also free, all you need to do is create an account and navigate to your account dashboard.

Creating Your Character

The first steps to create your character are as follows:

  1. Choose your Species
  2. Create your Character Description
  3. Create your Character Background
  4. Fill out your Stats
  5. Fill out your Basic Info
  6. Pick your starting Equipment

Your CC may give you guidance, bonuses, or restrictions on how to create your character.


Species describe the different sentient creature types in Aberrations RPG. They are defined by their appearance, unique abilities, starting stats, and general demeanor.

You will learn more about what Species you can choose in the World Playbook of the specific world you are playing in.

Character Description

Character Description is what your character looks like on the outside. Here you will describe their appearance, age, height, weight, and any other important physical details about your character. Do they have a long scar across their face? Do they have long, luscious, flowing locks of hair? Put that information here.

Character Background

Your Character Background is what helps direct your roleplaying decisions. Here you will describe what makes your character tick. Why is your character the way they are? What are their ambitions? Do they have any secrets? What are their flaws? Write down everything that is important to who they are.

Character Log

Your character log is sort of like your journal. It is where you write down significant events that happen to you and change you throughout your sessions, because nobody stays the same forever. You typically write one character log at the end of each session.


Your STATS determine how effective your character is when performing actions in the game. There are 4 total Stats in Aberrations RPG.

Strength (STR): Your character’s physical ability to exert force on tangible objects.

Agility (AGL): Your character’s coordination, overall gracefulness, and how quickly they can react.

Persona (PER): Your character’s speech, social skills, and likability.

Aptitude (APT): Your character’s application of technical and practical knowledge.

Stat Die

A Stat Die is assigned to each stat. Possible Stat Dice include a d2, d4, d6, d8, d10, d12, d14, d16, d18 and d20.

Your initial Stat Die for each stat is be determined by your chosen Species. You can upgrade your Stat Die when you reach a Milestone (see Milestones).

Your Stat Die is what you roll when making a Stat Test (see Using Your Stats).

Basic Info

Your character's Basic Info is a grouping of the information that is important to gameplay. Your Basic Info contains the following:

Name: The name of your player character.

Species: The information for the Species that you chose. This includes the abilities of that Species.

Current Health: How many health points you have left. When taking damage, reduce your current health by that much damage. When this value reaches 0, you become Mostly Dead (see Death).

Max Health: Your base Max Health is determined by your character’s species. You can upgrade your health by putting experience into your Health Stat during a Milestone (see Milestones), up to a maximum of 50.

Shield Value: Your shield value is determined by adding up all your equipment’s shield value. When being attacked, reduce your damage taken by your shield value.

Movement Speed: Your character’s base movement speed is 3 but can be increased by augmentations or equipment. Your movement speed determines how many spaces you can move in a single turn of combat. If you wish to move further, you can use a major action to Run, which allows you to move your movement speed again.

Mortality: You start with 1 Mortality Score. Your Mortality score increases by one each time you are successfully revived from being Mostly Dead (see Death).

Experience: Your character’s experience is what you use to upgrade your stats and health, and purchase augmentations.

Wallet: Your Wallet holds the money you currently have on your person. You use this to purchase Equipment and elevate your status in the world (at least in your own mind). The currency used is determined by the world you are playing in. If you have other money not on you, you can keep track of that on your Character Sheet.


Equipment is defined as belongings that you can have on your person and is split into four categories: Weapons, Wearables, Consumables, and Usables.

Weapons: Any belonging whose main purpose is to inflict damage. You can have 2 Weapons equipped on your person at any given time.

Every Weapon will have an associated Stat, which is the type of Stat Test you make when attempting to use it.

Wearables: Any belonging that you can wear. You can have 7 Wearables equipped at any given time, one in each of the following areas: Head, Face, Torso, Arms, Hands, Legs, and Feet.

Consumables: Any belonging that has a limited number of uses, whether through use or eating. You can have 3 separate Consumables on your person at any given time.

Usables: Any belonging that you can use, is not destroyed by use, and does not fall into any of the above categories. You can have 3 separate Usables on your person at any given time.


Your Spatially Unaware Rucksack of Nearly Infinite Space (SURONIS) is the term for the storage system used in Aberrations RPG. Organized like a storage system in a 90s videogame, it can store an infinite number of items inside, but it can only hold up to 99 versions of the same item (Such as 99 AA batteries, or 99 Eggs). The SURONIS can also only store items that can fit on your person (such as a coat or a large battle-axe, but not a motorcycle). SURONISs can be easily pilfered through by a sneaky pickpocket or looted upon your death.

Belongings In-Depth

A more detailed description of each belonging is listed at the end of this rulebook, under the Belongings In-Depth section. There you will learn about associated stats, abilities, types, and more, as well as how to fill out your belongings’ information.

Using Your Stats

Stat Test

When attempting to perform an action, your CC may decide to have you perform a Stat Test to determine how successful you are in performing that action.

Your CC will choose a Stat associated with that action, and you will roll that Stat's Stat Die. You will then report what you rolled to your CC, who will then use that number to determine your successfulness.

You can adjust the result of your roll using Modifiers (see Modifiers) and Advantage (see Advantage).

Contested Stat Test

When performing a test against another creature's ability, such as pickpocketing, persuasion, or an arm wrestle, you must make a Contested Stat Test. In a Contested Stat Test, both parties make a Stat Test for the associated Stat. The party with the highest roll wins the Contested Stat Test, with ties going to the character initiating the Conteseted Stat Test.


When performing Stat Tests, environmental variables in-game may enhance or inhibit your ability to perform an action. This is called Advantage. You gain or lose Advantage based on the variables in play. Gaining or losing Advantage is at the discretion of the CC.

For every variable giving you positive advantage, gain a +2 modifier to your roll. For every variable giving you negative advantage, gain a -2 modifier to your roll.


Modifiers affect a specific type of action by adding to or subtracting from your roll when making a Stat Test. Modifiers can be acquired through equipment, augmentations, or conditions.

When making a Stat Test, check your available Modifiers to see if one applies to the Action being attempted, then add or subtract the modifier from your roll. Modifiers can be anything (dancing, acrobatics, hacking, animal handling, persuasion, pickpocketing, climbing) and can range from general to extremely specific.

Whether a certain Modifier applies to an action is determined by your CC.

Example: You are making an Agility Stat Test to Dance in front of a crowd. You have shoes with a +5 dancing modifier. Your CC determines that the dancing modifier can be applied to this action. You can then add +5 to your roll.


When performing an action, there is always a possibility of rolling either a critical success or a critical failure.

Critical Success: When you roll the highest number possible on your Stat Die during a Stat Test (before adding Advantage and Modifiers), then you have achieved a critical success. You may then re-roll your die and add that number to previous result. If you roll the highest number possible on your re-roll, you do not get to roll again.

Critical Failure: When you roll the lowest number possible on your Stat Die during a Stat Test, you critically fail. When this happens, you automatically fail the roll, regardless of if your modifiers or advantage would have allowed you to succeed otherwise.


Milestones occur after the group overcomes a significant challenge in the story; determined by the CC. When your group has reached a Milestone, then the entire group will be awarded with Experience. The Experience awarded will increase with each subsequent Milestone your group reaches, according to the Milestone Chart in the CC Guide.

You can use Experience to:

  • UPGRADE STAT DIE: You may spend experience equal to your Stat Die to upgrade it to the next largest die. For example, you would spend 4 Experience to upgrade your Strength Die from a d4 to a d6.
  • INCREASE MAX HEALTH: Your Max Health can be increased by the number of Experience you spend. For example, if you spend 5 Experience you can increase your Max Health from 10 to 15.
  • PURCHASE AUGMENTATIONS: Augmentations have a specific Experience price for which they can be purchased. The price of the Augmentations is found in the World Playbook of the world you are playing on.


Augmentations contain Modifiers and Abilities that may allow your character to perform feats that would not otherwise be possible.

You can purchase an Augmentation during a Milestone and download multiple Augmentations simultaneously.

You can find the full list of Augmentations, their price, and how to use them in the World Playbook of the world you are playing on.


Conditions allow you to track situational effects on your character. Conditions can affect you in many ways and can each be removed in their own way. Conditions have levels, higher level conditions have more extreme effects. There are 4 types of Conditions.

Slowed: The maximum spaces you can move in combat is reduced by your Slowed Level. You can remove Slowed by eliminating whatever it is that is causing your condition, such as breaking free of your restraints, drugs wearing off, or using certain Consumables or Usables.

Reasons for gaining Slowed include, but are not limited to, when you are restrained, after certain attacks, use of certain Consumables or Usables.

Injured: When making a Strength or Agility Test, your roll gets negative Advantage equal to your Injured Level. You can remove Injured through rest or taking certain Consumables.

Reasons for increasing your Injured include receiving low health conditions and potentially other role-playing consequences as determined by your CC (like sticking your arm in a hole full of snakes or licking a flagpole in sub-zero temperatures).

Disturbed: When making a Persona or Aptitude, your roll gets negative Advantage equal to your Disturbed Level You can remove Disturbed through rest or taking certain Consumables.

Reasons for increasing your Disturbed total include rolling a critical failure in Persona or Aptitude, something traumatizing happening to your character, and potentially other role-playing consequences as determined by your CC (like being terrified of a creature, distracted by some bad news, etc.).

Agony: At the beginning of each of your turns, you are dealt damage equal to your Agony Level. If play is not operating in turn order, your CC will set a time interval (such as every 5 minutes) that you will be dealt damage. You can remove Agony by removing or stopping whatever is giving you the Agony, such as putting out the fire on your back, taking an antidote while poisoned, or getting to the surface when drowning. Agony Damage ignores Shield Value.

Reasons for increasing your Agony can vary. Your Agony may increase if you are on fire, poisoned, drowning, freezing, etc. It is possible to have multiple reasons at once that you are in Agony. You oversee tracking what is causing your Agony (and how much Agony it is causing) and finding ways to put a stop to it.


When one or more characters become aggressive, everyone in the vicinity enters combat.


When your group enters combat, everyone makes an Initiative Test. Initiative tests can be made using either Reflex or Persona. Combat order is then determined by ordering Character results from highest to lowest. (You may delay your turn in the combat order if you so desire). Ties are determined by a reroll.

Rounds of Combat

A round of combat is individual to each character. Your round of combat starts at the beginning of each of your turns.

Actions in Combat

While in combat, your actions are classified into 3 categories: Major Actions, Minor Actions, and Free Actions. Each round of combat, on your turn, you can perform 1 major action and 1 minor action. Free Actions can be performed at any time, even on another character’s turn.

Major Actions

Major Actions are acts that require a Test. Some feats may require more than one major action to complete and will require multiple turns, and/or additional characters to complete. Major Actions can be used to perform an additional Minor Action.

Minor Actions

Minor Actions are acts that don’t require a Test to perform (moving, exerting, etc.). Multiple acts may be performed using a single Minor Action if it is plausible that both these acts could be performed at the same time (such as picking up a soda can as you run down the hall, opening a door as you reload a magazine, or texting and driving).

Moving: Using one Minor Action, you can move up to 3 spaces in a single turn as a minor action. Movement through difficult terrain or vertical movement counts as 2 spaces. You may move an additional 3 spaces if you use a Major action as well. This is the Run action

Using Consumables and Usables: Using Usables and Consumables takes 1 Minor Action, unless otherwise specified.

Using Your SURONIS: It takes one Minor Action to pull a piece of equipment from, or put an piece of equipment into, your SURONIS.

Equipping Equipment: Equipping Equipment may involve putting an already equipped piece of equipment into your SURONIS and taking out a new one to take its place. Both require a minor action to perform, however you can complete this in one turn by using your Major Action as a Minor Action. If you do not already have an equipment equipped, and are merely filling an empty slot, then this counts at ‘Using your SURONIS’ and only uses 1 minor action.

Taking Aim: Taking a minor action to simply aim your Weapon at a specific target gives you +1 Advantage on your next attack against that target as long as they do not move out of your line of sight and you are not attacked, or otherwise distracted, before that attack. Using a major action gives you +2 Advantage to your next attack. If you use both your minor and major action to take aim, you may gain +4 advantage.

Free Actions

Free Actions are actions that require no effort and can be easily performed while doing something else (whistling, talking, etc.).


You may use a Major Action on your turn to attack. Attacking uses a Weapon to deal damage to another creature. When attacking, declare a target and roll a Stat Test for the associated stat of the Weapon you are using. Add any applicable damage modifiers to your roll and subtract the defender’s SHIELD VALUE. The Result is how much damage you deal.

You make an attack with a Shotgun that has a Damage Modifier of +2, you roll a d10 for strength and get a 5. Your total is 7. Your target has a Shield Value of 4. You deal 3 damage.

Unarmed Attacks: Unarmed Attacks don't have any inherent Damange Modifiers and deal half damage.

Surprise Attacks: When attacking a character that is unaware, they do not have enough time to react and dodge the attack. This is called a Surprise Attack. When making a surprise attack, you do not subtract the target’s Shield Value from your result.

Line of Attack: If you are attempting an attack on an opponent, and another character is in your direct line of attack, then treat the target as if they are behind COVER (determined by the CC). If you do not deal damage to the initial target, then reroll your attack against whatever character was in the way.

Advantage in Combat

There are specific scenarios that will give a character Advantage while attacking in combat.

  • Flanking: +1 Advantage for every friendly character who is also in combat and is adjacent to the target that you are attacking (this includes ranged attacks).
  • High Ground: +1 Advantage when attacking for every 5 feet you are above your target.
  • Prone: +1 advantage if your target is laying on the ground.
  • Pinned: +1 Advantage if your target is pinned.
  • Cover: -3 Advantage if target isn’t visible behind cover. -2 Advantage if target is behind cover and less than 25% of them is visible. -1 Advantage if they are 50%-75% visible behind cover.

Low Health Conditions

As you start to lose health, your character will become weary and won’t perform at their best. There are two notable states you can be in when it comes to low health conditions: Bloodied and Mauled.

Bloodied: While you are below half health (rounded down), you become bloodied. When you become bloodied, gain 1 Level in Injured. You retain that point of Injured, even if you heal above ½ health. You can only become Bloodied once per combat.

Mauled: Whenever you are below 1/4 health (rounded down), you become mauled and receive 1 point in Injured. You retain that point of Injured, even if you heal above ¼ health. You can only become Mauled once per combat.


Resting allows you to recover some Health and remove conditions. Rests are broken down into two categories: Slumbers and Naps.

Slumber: A Slumber is an uninterrupted rest that lasts for 8 hours or more. During a slumber, you recover all your Health Points, and all your points in Injured and Disturbed are removed.

Nap: A Nap is a rest that last less than 8 hours, but more than 1 hour. Naps will allow you to recover Health points equal to half your health as well as remove 1 point of Injured, and 1 point of Disturbed.

Lack of Rest

If your character goes 24 hours in-game time without resting, you gain 1 level in the Disturbed condition. You gain another point in the Disturbed condition every 12 hours after that, until your character finally rests.


Mostly Dead

When you hit 0 health points, your character becomes Mostly Dead. While your character is Mostly Dead, you are slightly alive but unconscious, and therefore cannot perform any actions (other than INSPIRE) or interact with others in any other way.

When your character becomes Mostly Dead, you are knocked out until another character attempts to revive you by moving to your space and using a major action. Characters that also became Mostly Dead this combat cannot help reviving any of the other characters. While you do pose less of a threat, you can still take damage from sources as normal while Mostly Dead. If your character is not revived at the end of combat, you become All Dead.

While we refer to combat specifically, there are other situations that may cause Mostly Dead but may not necessarily qualify as combat (such as falling off a building). In these instances, you can be revived right away, as long as other characters can get to you within a reasonable amount of time.

Mortality Test

When an attempt to revive you is made, make a Mortality Test. When performing a Mortality Test, you use a d4 with your Mortality Score as your Difficulty Rating. If you succeed, you are revived at ½ health and you increase your Mortality Score by 1.


While Mostly Dead, you may choose to inspire a character of your choosing. When you inspire a character, they gain Advantage equal to your Mortality Score on their next roll. You may only inspire a character one time per Mostly Dead experience. You cannot inspire another Mostly Dead character.

All Dead

If you do not pass your Mortality Test, then you are All Dead. At this point, your character is out of the game and your inventory can be looted by other characters. A new character can now be created if you wish to continue playing in the campaign.

Instant Death

If you are dealt so much damage that your resulting Health is less than or equal to the negative value of your Max HP, then you are immediately deemed All Dead, and have no chance to recover.

There are certain abilities and items that can bring characters back from Total Death, but they are rare, full of stipulations, and often come at a heavy price.


Equipment is defined as belongings that you can have on your person and are split into four categories: Weapons, Wearables, Consumables, and Usables. Whenever you acquire a new belonging, through whatever means, think through each of these to determine what it is.

  1. Is its main purpose to fight? If yes, it is a Weapon.
  2. Can I wear it? If yes, it is a Wearable.
  3. Does it have limited uses? If yes, it is a Consumable.
  4. Still here? Can you use it? If yes, it is a Usable.
  5. Still here? If you can't use it, why do you even want it?

Objects that cannot fit on your person, such as vehicles, houses, and Grecian style fountains, are kept track of in your notes.


Weapons are belongings that you use to attack with.

You can have 2 Weapons equipped on your person at any given time. Any other Weapons you may have must be stored in your SURONIS and swapped out when needed.

Weapons are defined by a name, description, type, damage modifier, range, associated stat, and ability.

  • Name: The name of the weapon that you use (shotgun, pistol, knife, hammer).
  • Description: The physical description of the weapon. If your weapon is unique in any way, you can describe that here.
  • Type: The classification of weapon that you use (Standard, Custom, Improvised). All the weapons listed in the World Playbook are Standard Weapons.
  • Damage Modifier: Damage Modifiers add a static number to the result of your roll when attacking with that weapon.
  • Range: Every Weapon will have a minimum and maximum effective range. When attacking within this range, you roll as normal. For every space outside of the effective range you are attempting to hit, gain -1 Advantage to attack. Weapon ranges are listed as follows: Close (0 – 1 spaces), Short (2 – 4 spaces), Long (4 – 6 spaces), and Far (6 – 10 spaces).
  • Associated Stat: The Associated Stat determines what Stat Test you roll for when making an attack with the Weapon.
  • Ability: Each of the 16 Standard Weapons comes with a unique ability you can perform when in combat. These abilities are described on the Weapons Reference of the World Playbook of the world you are playing on.

Ammulators are tiny devices that are equipped to most Weapons that require ammunition. These allow most Weapons to function without the burden of tracking ammunition. Ammulators are also applied to most throwable Weapons, as a device you would wear on your wrist, removing the need to recover said Weapons when thrown. You can learn more about Ammulators in detail in here.

Custom and Improvised Weapon Types

Each world has a list of Standard Weapon types with a predefined range, associated stat, and ability. More powerful weapons will have higher damage modifiers.

There are options beyond Standard Weapons. Any other weapons will either be classified a Custom Weapon or an Improvised Weapon:

Custom Weapons: A custom weapon is a Weapon not listed in the world’s standard weapon’s list. Custom weapons may or may not use a unique ability. A custom weapon is created at the discretion of your CC.

Examples: a gun disguised as a briefcase, a throwing star, a slinghot, a unique bow given to you by the king.

Improvised Weapons: An improvised Weapon is anything you are trying to deal damage with that is not already classified as a Weapon. Improvised weapons do not have an inherent ability. Improvised Weapons can be temporary (such as hitting somebody with a book), or permanent (such as strapping a book to the end of a stick and using it as your main Weapon). A temporary improvised Weapon returns to its normal status after a single use, whereas a permanent improvised Weapon remains a Weapon in your belongings from the point of creation.

Examples: a brick, a broom, shard of glass, a book, a book taped on a stick.

Creating Your Weapons

You can find a list of Weapons available to use on your world in your world’s World Playbook. This list consists of the 16 Standard Weapons. There can be other types of Weapons, but those are treated as custom or improvised Weapons that you or your CC create for yourselves. The Lore of the world you are playing on is a great place to go for inspiration on possible custom or improvised Weapons.


Wearables are belongings taht you wear on your body.

You can have 7 Wearables equipped at any given time, one in each of the following areas: Head, Face, Torso, Arms, Hands, Legs, and Feet. Any Wearables you are not wearing can be stored in your SURONIS.

Wearables are defined by a name, description, body area, modifier, speed adjustment, and shield value.

  • Name: The name of the Wearable.
  • Description: A physical description of the Wearable. It can be heavy, hot, stylish, ragged, etc.
  • Body Area: Where on your person you can wear this Wearable. You cannot wear two Wearables on the same body area.
  • Modifier: The action(s) that this wearable helps you to perform, and the modifier attached to the action(s). Example: Gloves with a +2 Hacking Modifier and +2 Waving Modifier.
  • Speed Adjustment: The amount that this Wearable adjusts your movement speed.
  • Shield Value: This adds to your overall Shield Value and reduces incoming damage by this number.
Creating Your Wearables

It is mainly up to you and your CC to create the Wearables you will be using. The Lore of the world you play on will provide information on Wearables, such as fashion and what stat modifiers are likely to be on them. There also may be a list of Wearables to inspire creativity, but, ultimately, it is up to you and your CC to create Wearables that fit your character.


Consumables are items that have a defined number of uses that are consumed as you utilize them. This could be a bag of beef jerky, a collection of matches, or a bottle of water.

You can have 3 separate Consumables on your person at any given time. Any Items that you wish to carry but cannot keep on your person can be stored in your SURONIS.

Consumables are defined by a name, description, categories, level, and uses.

  • Name: This is the name of the Consumable.
  • Description: The description of the Consumable.
  • Categories: One or more categories that describes what the Consumable does. The different available categories and their definitions are explained in the World Playbook of the world you are playing on.
  • Level: Level from 1 – 10 that determines how powerful the category effect is..
  • Uses: How many times you can use the Consumable before it is destroyed/useless. Consumable uses cannot be restored unless otherwise stated.
Creating Your Consumables

You can find a list of Consumable Categories in your world's World Playbook. These categories explain exactly what a Consumable does, and how well it does it. When creating a Consumable, you first choose one or more of these categories, but then it is up to your creativity to determine what the exact item is. The Lore of the world you are playing on is a great way to find inspiration when creating your Consumables. Most of the time, it is your CC who will create these Consumables for you to find or buy, but they may also allow you to create your own at times.


You can have 3 separate Usables on your person at any given time. Any Usables that you wish to carry but cannot keep on your person can be stored in your SURONIS.

Usables are defined by a name, and description, type, and units.

  • Name: This is the name of the Usable.
  • Description: The description of the Usable.
  • Type: This helps determine the value of the Usable, as well as likelihood that you will run into one. The options are common, semi-common, rare, collectable, and one-of-a-kind.
  • Units: This refers to the unit of measurement for the Usable. This can be feet, pounds, bottles, scoops, handfuls, truckloads, etc.
Creating Your Usables

Usables describe anything from a flash drive to a piece of parchment to an microwave. Therefore, almost every Usable that you or your CC create is going to be custom. When creating a Usable, the most important thing to fill out is its type. This determines its value, based on the economy of your world. You will be able to find information on what Usables would be what types (as well as what Usables would even be available) in the Lore of the world you are playing on.